Hyper War: The Baltics

Little Green Men Invade Estonia

You play Russia, and your objective is to annex parts of the Baltic Republics. The Russian Navy has mined the harbors of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and Spetznaz units have cratered runways and blown up key bridges. Russian surface to air missile batteries are on alert and ready to shoot down any aircraft that enter disputed Baltic airspace. NATO forces will have to arrive by road via Poland, delaying reinforcements. You have a brief window of time to capture major cities with large Ethnic Russian populations, fortify them and set up local pro-Russia militias. With luck, pro-Russian forces will be dug in enough to force NATO and the Baltic governments to choose between costly assaults on the region’s major cities and suing for peace. The key is to avoid direct combat between Russian and NATO forces. To that end, you will use units of little green men: Russian Army volunteers posing as separatist rebels. These units are lightly armed, highly mobile and can operate behind enemy lines. Good luck!

Click here to play. You might want to use a stylus on a mobile device.

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