Iran Iraq War Video Game

Iran-Iraq War Video Game

The war that changed the Middle East

The Iran-Iraq War was the First World War for the Middle East. Eight years of trench warfare and chemical weapons scarred the region for generations. This game simulates the first two years of this conflict, in which Iraq invades the oil rich and ethnically Arab Iranian province of Khuzestan. You play the Iranians, and you must stop the Iraqi advance, push the Iraqis out of Iran, and possibly capture the Shia dominated regions of Southern Iraq. Iran’s army has been crippled by post revolution purges and sanctions. Air superiority is the one advantage Iran has early in the conflict, but Iranian aircraft break down each month and cannot be replaced. Iraq does not have this problem: everyone wants to sell them weapons. Iraq acquires more high-tech weaponry with each passing month. To win, you have to beat the Iraqis before they can rearm and reorganize their army.

Click here to play. You might want to use a stylus on a mobile device.

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