China Invades Taiwan

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This is a simulation of a hypothetical PRC invasion of Taiwan in the near future.  The game assumes that China achieves a high level of surprise by launching an air mobile assault with six brigades of special forces, coupled with precision strikes by ballistic and cruise missiles.  To preserve the element of surprise, amphibious forces are not on high alert, and will not arrive for at least 48 hours.  You play the PRC, and time is not on your side. Taiwan will start attacking mainland ports and airfields with cruise missiles, which will eventually cripple China’s economy and war effort.  Taiwanese scientists will also be hard at work on building nuclear weapons.  The game assumes that ROC forces are incapable of maneuvering for the first four days of the conflict due to PRC air superiority and the destruction of key command and control infrastructure.  Taiwanese army reservists will also start to reinforce ROC defenses.  You need to win fast.  Good Luck!

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