Battle of Chongchon

The Battle of Chongchon River – China

游戏机 清川江战役 第二次战役西线

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In November of 1950, PRC forces launched a surprise attack on UN forces advancing through North Korea. The fighting in the West centered around the Ch’ongch’on river valley. The Chinese attacked a slightly larger US and ROK force without the benefit of air support or artillery: the Chinese left their heavy weapons behind to move quickly and stealthily through the mountains of North Korea. To avoid allied bombers, Chinese forces moved by night. To counter the American’s advantage in tanks and artillery, the lightly armed Chinese forces relied on infiltration tactics. These tactics allowed the Chinese to outflank the UN’s 8th Army and force it into a disorderly retreat from North Korea. In this game, you play the Chinese, and you must rout the advancing UN forces. You have two advantages: 1) your forces can move through rough terrain, 2) and you can trace supply lines through rough terrain (blue border hexes). Your road bound opponent can do neither of these things. Good luck.

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