Second Korean War Video Game

Tunneling to Reunification

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North Korea Attacks!

북한 특공대 침략 서울

This game assumes that North Korea has used a portion of its nuclear arsenal to destroy key South Korean ports, airfields and command centers. This surprise attack has temporarily paralyzed ROK and US forces (which is why most Allied units have a movement value of zero). The Korean People’s Army has approximately 48 hours to break through the DMZ and link up with infiltrators that have seized a key bridge over the Han river. You play the North Koreans, and you’ve already moved seven light infantry divisions [o] and eight special forces battalions [-] under the DMZ via secret tunnels. Four mechanized divisions [/] are waiting on the other side of the DMZ. You must punch a hole in the DMZ and capture Seoul within 48 hours. All your troops can move through rough terrain, and your special forces battalions can operate without being in supply. Good luck.

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