India Pakistan War Video Game

Water War: Kashmir – India

Click here to play. You might want to use a stylus on a mobile device

India fights to repel a Pakistani surprise attack on Kashmir

Click here to play as Pakistan

This game simulates a Pakistani invasion of Kashmir after widespread anti-Indian demonstrations. Pakistan must also secure control of the mountainous watershed of the Upper Indus River. If India diverts Indus waters to India’s thirsty southern cities, Pakistan loses most of its fresh water. A war over Kashmir could literally be a war of national survival for Pakistan. Consequently, this game assumes that Pakistan has used tactical nuclear weapons and special forces to capture key targets in Ladakh. Because of the sectarian nature of the conflict, this game also assumes that Pakistan can count on support from Muslim allies like Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt. With the element of surprise, Pakistan might just be able to grab Kashmir. With Kashmir in hand, Pakistan can then use nuclear deterrence, the arrival of Arab troops, and the possibility of a Chinese military intervention to prevent an Indian counter attack. In this game, you play India, and you must hold Srinagar and recapture Leh. Good luck.

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