Video game simulating the German Invasion of the US in WWII

WWII Caribbean: Germany Invades the US Part I

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This game is an attempt to simulate an Axis invasion of the United States during 1942, after Britain has fallen to the Nazis.  More specifically, this game posits a German and Italian invasion of the Caribbean.  The Abwehr has cultivated opponents to US backed dictatorships in Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and Germany plans to use the tactics it cultivated during the Spanish Civil War to put these insurgents in power.  To that end, the Kriegsmarine and the Regia Marina have dispatched a taskforce of 8 battleships from Vichy French Occupied Dakar.  In a surprise assault, German troops captured Trinidad.  You play the Americans, and you must stop the Axis naval forces from capturing Havana and putting Luftwaffe bombers within range of the US.  This is mostly a naval campaign, with [o] representing battleships, [-] representing carriers and [/] representing destroyers.  Be careful!  German U-boats are everywhere and can sink unescorted ships or starve out US garrisons.  Use your destroyers wisely.

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